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Dorian and Cole

  Dorian: 你不是附身在某个人类的身上,Cole?你……看起来就是这幅模样?

  Cole: 是的。

  Dorian: 但是灵体真正的样子总是像怪物似的,至少看起来不自然。

  Cole: 这个世界对于它们来说难以理解。它太真实了。这就是它们看起来奇怪的原因。

  Dorian: 那……这是你想要的样子?

  Cole: 我想要帮助别人。外貌并不重要。


  Dorian: 你能改变你的形态吗,Cole?如果你要想看起来像别的东西的话?

  Cole: 但我不想要看起来像别的东西。

  Dorian: 恩。有些魔导师如果能召唤出一个假冒人形的恶魔的话,他们会高兴坏了。

  Cole: 他们会利用它伤害别人。

  Dorian: 你说得对,他们确实会。


  Dorian: 你需要吃东西吗,Cole?或是睡觉?

  Cole: 我以为这些对我来说是必须的,但实际上我不需要。古老的歌曲可以吸引我。

  Dorian: 这意味着某些东西,我不知道具体是什么,但它意味着些什么。

  Dorian: 那你受伤的时候是怎么回事?你为什么流血?是因为你觉得你必须流血吗?

  Cole: 这是你流血的原因吗?

  Dorian: 我——那个——呃,没错,你把我难倒了。


  Cole: 你问了很多问题,Dorian。

  Dorian: 我对你感到好奇,我不知道像你这样的存在也是可能的!

  Cole: 我也对你感到好奇。

  Dorian: 如果你想的话,你也可以问我问题。我不确定你为什么会想这么做,但是——

  Cole: 噢好极了!谢谢你!

  Dorian: 我……会后悔的,不是吗?


  Cole: Dorian,你说过我可以问你问题的。

  Dorian: 是真的。(叹气)我确实这么说过。

  Cole: 你为什么对你的父亲这么生气?他想要帮你,你知道他想的,但是——

  Dorian: 我不确定我是否能解释给你听。

  Cole: 你爱他,但是你很生气。这些感情参杂在一起,在你的体内沸腾直到它们揉成一个结。

  Dorian: 有时候……有时候爱是不够的,Cole。


  Cole: “爱是不够的。”够用来干吗?你没有解释,Dorian。

  Dorian: (叹气) 我真希望自己解释过了。

  Cole: 他的脸出现在看台上,看着我通过考试。他是那么骄傲,泪水盈满他的眼眶。任何能让他高兴地事,任何事。

  Cole: 为什么这些不再是真的了?

  Dorian: Cole,这……这不是一个可以边走边说的话题。拜托别提它了。

  Cole: 我在伤害你,Dorian。言语缠绕,渴望,伤害着你。你说过我可以问的。

  Dorian: 我知道我说过。只是你问的这些事……非常私人。

  Cole: 但它让你痛苦。我想要帮忙,但它被爱缠住了,我没法不撕开它,如果我想解开它。

  Cole: 你把他抱得那么紧。你让这一切继续伤害你,因为你觉得伤痛是你的本性。你为什么这么做?

  Dorian: 有人能让他停下吗?放逐他让他回到灵界之类的!

  Inquisitor: Cole想要帮你。也许你该让他这么做。

  Dorian: (叹气) 棒极了!每个人都是这么的乐于助人!


  Inquisitor: 你是一个成年人了,Dorian。如果你想要他停下,那就告诉他。

  Cole: 对不起,我让事情变得更糟。

  Dorian: 不,我才是那个该抱歉的。你当然不明白。只是……暂时让我就这么着吧。


  Dorian: 我一直在想该怎么解释给你听,Cole。

  Dorian: 事情是这样的,有时候你爱的那个人也是最让你失望的那个人。

  Dorian: 你觉得如果他们爱你,他们就会理解你。他们就不想要伤害你。

  Dorian: 所以你觉得被背叛了。你会说一些永远收不回的话。

  Cole: 滚出去。你不是我儿子。

  Dorian: 没错,像这样的话。

  Cole: 他希望自己不是真心的。


  Dorian: 你喜欢冬宫吗,Cole?

  Cole: 里面有好多漂亮的帽子!

  Dorian: 你有试着跳舞吗?还是说你隐身躲在里面了?

  Cole: 跳舞很难。你得用心还有你的脚去倾听音乐。

  Dorian: 还有不要在其他舞者的脑袋里瞎转。

  Cole: 好多同时要做的事。



  Cole: 你现在更快乐了,Dorian。

  Dorian: 这轻快,撩人的感觉就是快乐吗?那我猜你是对的。

  Cole: 又是期盼又是好奇,又是受伤又是渴望。如果他不要我了怎么办?

  Dorian: 但他要我。

  Cole: 现在你笑了!好极了。


  Cole: 你为什么离开家乡,Dorian?

  Dorian: 你知道为什么的。我得阻止Venatori 。

  Cole: 不止这些……有个男人,拥有和你一样的眼睛……愤怒地在卵石间行走,“我只能靠自己了”。

  Dorian: 又在我脑袋里挖东西了,是吗?

  Cole: 你说过我可以问问题的!

  Dorian: (叹气)更像是邀请某个人到你家里,然后他偷了银器走了!


  Dorian: Cole, 你得在我扔火球时更小心地舞动你的匕首。

  Cole: 它不会伤到我的。它是来自友方的攻击。

  Dorian: 它们不总是以你希望的样子出现。


  Cole: 你的衣服看起来像灵界,Dorian。

  Dorian: 梦幻般的东西,用神秘包裹着的色彩和感官的大爆炸。

  Cole: 它亮闪闪的。


  Cole: 你在施法时能感到灵界包围着你吗,Dorian?

  Cole: 它们拉扯着幽幕,被力量拉出,接着被推到这一边。

  Dorian: 所以当我施放火球时,是灵界在对我说peek-a-boo?(注:Peek-a-boo是大人把脸一隐一现来逗小孩发笑的游戏)

  Cole: 我不觉得它这么说了。

  Dorian: 除非它说了我要烧掉你的脸,别的我不想听。


  Dorian: Cole,这些是真的衣服吗,还是——?

  Cole: 它们是真的。它们还能是什么?

  Dorian: 我以为它们是你用法术变的,就像你的肉体一样。

  Cole: 你能变出你的衣服吗?这就是它们看起来这个样子的原因吗?

  Dorian: 别在意,忘了我说的。


  Dorian: 那个小伎俩,Cole,你研究别人的脑内世界对此窥探一二的时候,你选择自己想看到的东西吗,还是随机的?

  Cole: 必须是痛苦的事,或是能帮助这痛苦的事,这是召唤我的来源。

  Cole: Rilienus,上等威士忌般的皮肤,颧骨落下阴影,微笑时勾起唇角。他会愿意的。

  Dorian: 我……会感激你别再这么做的,拜托。


  Cole: Dorian,我英俊吗?

  Dorian: 你什么?

  Cole: 你总是说你英俊。那我呢?我分辨不来。

  Dorian: 你很好。也许该重新挑顶帽子。

  Cole: 但我喜欢我的帽子。


  Cole: Dorian,奴隶是什么?

  Dorian: Festis bei umo canavarum!

  Cole: 但你说了我可以问问题的!

  Dorian: 没错。只是……这个问题去问判官吧。

  Cole: Dorian,我希望你可以告诉我。

  Dorian: 我会给你画张示意图。够吗?

  Cole: 不够。

  Dorian: 很好。因为你想要试试那个的念头吓到我不只一点点。


  Dorian: Cole,我床上的木头鸭子……是你吗?

  Cole: 不是。我不是一个木头鸭子。

  Dorian: 我是说是不是你放在那儿的?

  Cole: 是的?但我找不到有小轮子的那种。抱歉。


  Dorian: Cole,你能听到魔法?

  Cole: 是的,我可以,你不行吗?

  Dorian: 法咒有时候会发出声音,但……我不觉得我们听到的是一个声音。

  Cole: 你的法咒不会对你低语吗?像是来自远方的奇怪的音乐?

  Dorian: 最近没有。

  Cole: 那我们听到的不是一个声音。


  Dorian: Cole,你在Corypheus攻击 Haven时看到他了。你读到的他的内心……是什么样的?

  Cole: 里面有恐惧。像是憎恶之池的黑暗。许多事情变了,我得阻止这一切。屈服于我的意志。

  Dorian: 他真的进入了黑暗之城吗?是真的吗?

  Cole: 背叛,模糊的边界,像是一张假画。太久之前,太多困惑。

  Dorian: 我会……把它当做是“也许”的。

  Cole: 人们想要杀我,让事情变得更困难。


  Dorian: 阻止自己被法师束缚这事有进展了吗,Cole?

  Cole: 还没。

  Dorian: 赶紧做!你舞动匕首的速度很快。我可不想要你把它对着我。

Dorian and Cole Edit

  Dorian: You're not possessing a human body, Cole? You... actually look like that?

  Cole: Yes.

  Dorian: But a spirit's true form is always monstrous, or at least unnatural.

  Cole: The world doesn't make sense to them. It's too real. That's why they look wrong.

  Dorian: And... this is how you want to look?

  Cole: I want to help. Looking doesn't matter.


  Dorian: Can you change your form, Cole? If you wanted to look like something else?

  Cole: But I don't want to look like something else.

  Dorian: Hmm. There are magisters who'd be ecstatic if they could summon a demon who could pass for human.

  Cole: They would use it to hurt people.

  Dorian: You're right about that. They would.


  Dorian: Do you need to eat, Cole? Or sleep?

  Cole: I thought I had to. But I don't. The Old Songs can pull me.

  Dorian: That's something. I don't know what, but it's something.

  Dorian: What about when you're injured? Why do you bleed? Is it because you think you have to?

  Cole: Is that why you bleed?

  Dorian: I-- well-- uh, yes. You have me there.


  Cole: You ask a lot of questions, Dorian.

  Dorian: I'm curious about you. I had no idea something like you was possible!

  Cole: I'm curious about you, too.

  Dorian: You can ask me questions, if you like. I'm not sure why you'd want to, but--

  Cole: Oh, good! Thank you!

  Dorian: I'm...going to regret this, aren't I?


  Cole: Dorian, you said I could ask you questions.

  Dorian: It's true. (Sigh) I did say that.

  Cole: Why are you so angry at your father? He wants to help and you know he does, but--

  Dorian: I'm not certain I can explain it to you.

  Cole: You love him, but you're angry. They mix together, boiling in the belly until it kneads into a knot.

  Dorian: Sometimes... sometimes love isn't enough, Cole.


  Cole: "Love isn't enough." Enough what? You didn't explain, Dorian.

  Dorian: (Sigh) I was rather hoping I had.

  Cole: His face in the stands, watching as I pass the test. So proud there's tears in his eyes. Anything to make him happy. Anything.

  Cole: Why isn't that true anymore?

  Dorian: Cole, this... is not the sort of discussion for walking around. Please drop it.

  Cole: I'm hurting you, Dorian. Words winding, wanting, wounding. You said I could ask.

  Dorian: I know I did. The things you ask are just... very personal.

  Cole: But it hurts. I want to help, but it's all tangled with the love. I can't tug it loose without tearing it.

  Cole: You hold him so tightly. You let it keep hurting, because you think hurting is who you are. Why would you do that?

  Dorian: Can someone tell him to stop? Banish him back to the Fade or something!

  Inquisitor: Cole wants to help you. Maybe you should let him.

  Dorian: (sigh) Marvelous! Everyone's so helpful!


  Inquisitor: You're an adult, Dorian. You want him to stop, tell him.

  Cole: I'm sorry. I keep making it worse.

  Dorian: No, I'm sorry. Of course you don't understand. Just... leave me with it for now.


  Dorian: I've been trying to imagine how to explain it to you, Cole.

  Dorian: The thing is, sometimes the ones you love are also the ones who disappoint you the most.

  Dorian: You think that if they love you, they should understand. They shouldn't want to hurt you.

  Dorian: So you feel betrayed. You say things you can't ever take back.

  Cole: Get out. You are no son of mine.

  Dorian: Yes, like that.

  Cole: He wishes he hadn't meant it.


  Dorian: Did you enjoy the Winter Palace, Cole?

  Cole: There were so many wonderful hats!

  Dorian: Did you try dancing? Or did you skulk around invisibly?

  Cole: Dancing is hard. You have to listen with your feet as well as your heart.

  Dorian: And not poke around in the heads of the other dancers.

  Cole: There's a lot to do all at once.


  (If the Inquisitor is in a romance with Dorian)

  Cole: You're happier now, Dorian.

  Dorian: Is that what that light, tingly feeling is? I suppose you're right.

  Cole: Wishing but wondering, wounded and wistful. What if he doesn't want me after?

  Dorian: But he did.

  Cole: Now you're smiling! It's good.


  Cole: Why did you leave your home, Dorian?

  Dorian: You know why. I had to stop the Venatori.

  Cole: It was more...it was the man with your eyes...angry, walking on cobblestones, 'I'm on my own now'

  Dorian: Digging around in my head again, are you?

  Cole: You said I could ask questions!

  Dorian: (sigh) Rather like inviting someone into your house and they walk off with the silverware!


  Dorian: Cole, you should be careful dancing around with those daggers when I'm throwing fire.

  Cole: It won't hurt me. It's friendly fire.

  Dorian: That doesn't always mean what you think it means.


  Cole: Your clothes look like the Fade, Dorian.

  Dorian: The stuff of dreams, an explosion of color and sensation wrapped in an enigma.

  Cole: It's shiny.


  Cole: Can you feel the bits of Fade around you when you cast spells, Dorian?

  Cole: They pull around the Veil, pulled with power, then pushed through to see this side.

  Dorian: So when I cast a fireball, it's just the Fade saying Peek-a-boo?

  Cole: I don't think it says that.

  Dorian: If it says anything other than I'm going to burn your face off, I don't want to hear it.


  Dorian: Cole, are those real clothes, or-?

  Cole: They're real. What else would they be?

  Dorian: I thought maybe you'd conjured them, like your physical form.

  Cole: Do you conjure yours? Is that why they look like that?

  Dorian: Never mind, forget I said anything.


  Dorian: That little trick, Cole, when you dip into someone's mind and take a drink? Do you choose what you're looking for, or is it random?

  Cole: It has to be hurt, or a way to help the hurt. That's what calls me.

  Cole: Rilienus, skin tan like fine whiskey, cheekbones shaded, lips curl when he smiles. He would have said yes.

  Dorian: I'll... thank you not to do that again, please.


  Cole: Dorian, am I handsome?

  Dorian: Are you what?

  Cole: You say you're handsome all the time. Am I? I can't tell.

  Dorian: You're all right. Might want to rethink the hats.

  Cole: But I like my hats.


  Cole: Dorian, what's a slave?

  Dorian: Festis bei umo canavarum!

  Cole: But you said I could ask questions!

  Dorian: That's true. Just...go ask the Inquisitor this one.

  Cole: Dorian, I really wish you would tell me.

  Dorian: I drew you a diagram. Isn't that enough?

  Cole: No.

  Dorian: Good. Because the thought of you trying that frightens me more than a little.


  Dorian: Cole, the wooden duck I found on my bed... was that you?

  Cole: No. I'm not a wooden duck.

  Dorian: I mean did you put it there?

  Cole: Yes? I couldn't find one with little wheels, though. I'm sorry.


  Dorian: Cole, do you hear magic?

  Cole: Yes. I do. Don't you?

  Dorian: Spells sometimes makes a sound but... I don't think we hear the same thing.

  Cole: Don't your spells whisper things to you? What is and could be, music in the mind of strange, far away places?

  Dorian: Not lately.

  Cole: Then we don't hear the same thing.


  Dorian: Cole, you saw Corypheus when he attacked Haven. What was your... read on him?

  Cole: Fear inside. Blackness like a pool of hate. So much has changed, I need to stop it. Bend it to my will.

  Dorian: Did he actually walk into the Black City? Is that true?

  Cole: Betrayal, blurred at the edges, like a faded painting. Too long ago, so much confusion.

  Dorian: I'll... take that as a "maybe."

  Cole: There were people trying to kill me. That makes it harder.


  Dorian: Any progress on protecting yourself from binding, Cole?

  Cole: Not yet.

  Dorian: Hop to it! You're quick with those daggers. I'd rather not have them pointed at me.