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  西伯利亚骑兵(Siberian Ranger)


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  英文介绍:Siberian Ranger Outfit: “The Siberian Ranger outfit offers Lara the ability to store surplus special ammunition. Ballistic nylon gun pouches attach to her bulletproof Kevlar vest, which provides protection in combat scenarios. Leather gloves, boots and black knee pads provide extra durability when trekking through rough terrain, whether on solid ground, high up in the trees, or along the cliffs of the Siberian Wilderness. To stay warm in cold climates, Lara wears a knit long sleeve shirt underneath to retain body heat. When assembled together, this gear creates a combination fit for only the most strategic Tomb Raiding experience.” - Art Director, Brenoch Adams

  “西伯利亚骑兵(Siberian Ranger)”包售价15元,内含可提升劳拉所有特殊弹药携带容量的“西伯利亚骑兵”装束、“暗夜之鹰”半自动手枪造型,以及 1 个卡片包,其中保证有 1 张是稀有卡片,其他卡片则有较高的机率为稀有卡片。