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  魅影行者(Shadow Runner)


  获得方法:“战术幸存者(Tactical Survivor)”包所含内容,单独购买。


  英文介绍:Shadow Runner Outfit: “Ideal for situations requiring stealth, the Shadowrunner outfit utilizes dark tone tactical equipment to help Lara blend into her environments. For quick traversal through enemy territory, a rope rig and simple climbing carabineers attach at the waist. When low to the ground Lara relies on high density double loop knee pads and black leather boots to keep her steady and agile. To provide extra protection and storage, she dons a tactical collared polyester mesh constructed vest with ammo pouches. For easy access during unavoidable combat, a pistol can be safely secured in the thermoplastic molded, double strap leg holster. A black knit hat and reinforced leather combat gloves finish the look, providing extra warmth for when stakeouts drag on during the harsh Siberian winters.” - Art Director, Brenoch Adams

  “战术幸存者(Tactical Survivor)”包售价15元,内含可让劳拉以较少资源制作特殊弹药的“战术套件”装束、“碳纤维”复合弓造型,以及可给予劳拉所有弓升级项目,进而提升杀伤力与缩放能力的稀有的“弓术大师”亮面卡片。