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  You can find tar in cave (most likely). Make a tar fall, use freeze bomb to turn the flow into coal. Then, you can use fire bomb to turn coal into diamond. (That’s not science :D)


  Tame ‘Keepa’, you just need to flush it into the edge of water (lava? corruption water?) or cliff, and it have nowhere to go, so it can only stop there to take your taming, hoo-hoo-hoo…


  Use super TNT to quick mining, when a TNT explode, there will be 4 tooling holes at 4 direction, and 2 more at top and bottom. If you want to mine down, mine 2 more block at the bottom hole, place TNT and trigger it, if you want to mine horizontally, you can mine off the block right below the side hole and 4 more blocks sideways, place TNT and trigger it… WOW, there’re more ores than you think, right?

  用“Super TNT”快速开矿,TNT爆炸后6个方向都会有定位孔。向下开矿的话,从下面的孔挖两格,放置TNT并引爆。如果要横向开矿,挖掉墙上定位孔下面的方块,钻进去进一步挖掉4个方块再放置TNT,这样就能最大效率的利用了。几个TNT就能让你找到一大堆的矿石!