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  Quick start 快速入门

  Mining cell, you need that, for quick mining to save you tons of minutes. What if you have the time and patient, fine, try a tree, it can cost you a whole night to mine all the leaves. Sure, you need teleport, it’s important, for later use.


  Forget about your armor, you can kill the most powerful monster with even no armor. O.o WHAAAT?? Yeah, you need ladder, put 3 on the wall, grab it and you can take no harm (except the environment hazard). If you like to create a zone, you can use this trick to tame monsters.


  Okaaay, now you need a teleport near you house or somewhere safe, don’t forget to set a channel. Mining a way down to the corruption level, quickly put some light source and a teleport, set it up and teleport back. If you did it, congratulations, you almost beat the game.


  In corruption level, you can stay a few minute, because the hazard. You need to find ‘Thing’, kill some of these, you can get recipe of “Super extractor”. Finally, you can do little mining to get ton of ores. YES, that’s what I’m talking about!

  辐射(腐化)层,因为有环境危害,所以你只能呆一小会。第一时间找到并杀死“Thing”,这东西会掉落“Super Extractor”超级萃取器,高效开矿就靠它。