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BlizzCast8《 暗黑破坏神3》专访

Julian: Yeah, something pretty close to my own heart there, was we really recognized that monsters really live to die in Diablo. You really don’t have a lot of time to express their personality, and you don’t have a lot of time to try to make your experience with monsters meaningful. Most of what you’re doing is killing them. So one of the things I was really interested in doing was making as many different ways for monsters to die as possible. So that was kind of the goal, and think we’re up to something like 35 ways for any given monster to “bite it” at this point. But the basic theory is to really extend on the idea that Diablo II started with, which was that you would hit monsters and you would see the damage you did to them reflected on them. And we said, well let’s take that further, monsters could burn to death when you hit them with a firey sword, and then we added the idea of crits and monsters could explode across the screen, and it just kind of went from there. But that’s essentially the idea.



Bashiok: Very cool. A lot of the effects that you make factor in to the abilities that the characters are using, so fire and arcane and all that stuff, but in the world of Diablo it seems like there are very specific magic types that exist... it is actually a pretty broad spectrum, but is there any limitation there to what you can do with … different damage types?



Julian: Yeah in fact that’s a common input that I’ll receive is “Hey this guy’s a firey this or whatever, but can we make that fire look green?” And that’s where the sort of designer in me has to kind of come out and say, wait a minute if we make fire green all of a sudden it’s a bit of a miscommunication in terms of the gameplay. And so there is a bit of constraint there that, at one point I’m trying to make things look as epic as they can, but at the same time they have to be really clear to the player so that they’re not confused that you know, green fire might mean poison. Then there’s the other part of it which is it’s really easy in my department to make a big mess. We can just clobber the screen with so many effects that you just can’t see the game anymore. So those are really the two constraints we really work with most.



Bashiok: Back to Mike, since people saw the game at BlizzCon – they got to play it at BlizzCon – which was exciting for everybody, the interface and the UI has actually changed pretty dramatically even since then, it’s been an iterative process … since the conception of the game really, but uh so for those that didn’t see it at BlizzCon or even those who did what are the changes that have come about since then?
