Unlock the Consume ability. 无法退化。
M2、Perform the ceremony
The Subject carry out the ceremony described in the ancient scroll. What will appear from the grave? 无法退化。
M3、Dark Presence
Vampire infects new people with the parasite wherever it goes.
M4、Coffin sleeping
Vampires more comfortable when able to sleep in a coffin. Vampire infects more people when in a country.
M5、Moonlight power
Vampire gains increased power from moonlight. Vampire infects more people when in a country.
M6、Sunlight power
Vampire able to gain power from moonlight. Vampire infects more people when in a country.
M7、Chiropteric Therianthropy
Vampires gain ability to morph into a bat and fly to a different country. 无法退化。
M8、Free-tailed bat ability
Vampires able take the form of the fastest flying bat. Increased travel speed. 无法退化。
M9、Travel Speed 2
Increases vampire flight speed.
N1、Combat 1
Vampire's consume more powerful.
N2、Combat 2
Vampire's consume more powerful.
N3、Combat 3
Vampire's consume more powerful.
N4、Unlock castles
Unlocks active ability that allow you to place castles. Start to research the climate that the castle is in. 无法退化。
N5、Castle climate research
Does more research into the climate that the castle is in.
N6、Castle give DNA
Castles start giving out DNA.
N7、Castle return speed
Allows vampire to return to castles at lighting speed.