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  K1、Twilight disease

  Some people start to die because they like Twilight too much.


  Skin of infected starts to glow, making them seem much more attractive.

  K3、Enhanced muscle mass

  Muscles become toned and perfectly formed, increasing attractiveness to other humans.

  K4、Sparking skin

  Skin starts to sparkle in sunlight, increasing attractiveness to other humans.


  Decrease in red blood cells or hemoglobin in the blood can lead to infected looking much more pale.


  Skin starts to wrinkle and facial features become asymmetric.


  The teeth in the infected start to present themselves at different lengths.


  Infected take on a deathly white appearance.


  Infected prefer to sleep during the day. Severity and infectivity decreased.


  Increases likelihood of allergic reactions which can distract the immune system. Increases chance of mutation.


  L1、Shadow day

  Shadow day happens...


  Infected become addicted to counting. Increases chance of mutation.


  Infected able to train the mind to enter a higher state of consciousness. Increases chance of mutation.


  Infected able to send others into a state of human consciousness involving focused attention and reduced peripheral awareness. Slow cure speed.

  L5、Jugular bite

  The infected feel an urge to go and bite others on the neck, specifically targeting the jugular. Increases infectivity, and a fully successful bite will lead to death.


  A lack of hame in the blood leads to a thirst of blood from others. More likely to bite others, which will lead to increased infectivity and chance of death.


  Masticatory muscles become engorged, increasing the effectiveness of biting another human.

  L8、Infect and kill 4

  Increases infectivity and killing.

  L9、Enhanced resurrection 1

  The dead become more likely to rise as a vampire...

  L10、Enhanced resurrection 2

  The dead become more likely to rise as a vampire...

  L11、Enhanced resurrection 3

  The dead become more likely to rise as a vampire...

  L12、Anti-migration 1

  Infected leave country and find other uninfected countries.

  L13、Anti-migration 2

  Infected leave country and find other uninfected countries.

  L14、Anti-migration 3

  Infected leave country and find other uninfected countries.

  L15、Anti-migration 4

  Infected leave country and find other uninfected countries.