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标题:无限之景(Viewing the Infinite)

原文:When I was a girl, I dreamt of standing in a room looking at a girl who was and was not myself, who stood looking at another girl, who also was and was not myself. My mother took this for a nightmare. I saw it as the beginning of a career in physics.


标题:从未见过(Never seen the Face)
讲话者:科尼利厄斯·斯雷特上尉(Captain Cornelius Slate)

原文:I served two-score years of soldiering. And every heathen land I’ve known is less peopled for my passing. I hated no special enemy. Until now. Comstock. He’s made a vaudeville travesty of my battles, and cast himself as the white knight. I called him out over it, and he stripped me of my rank. That man has never seen the savage face of war -- but he will.


标题:关于违禁品的录音带(Vox Contraband Inventory)
讲话者:林德·曼利中士(Sergeant Leander Manley)

原文:Manley: Got a tip there were contraband guns hidden in the Fellow Traveler. Didnt find em, but -- funny thing -- we found some old uniforms under the floorboards from the war. Took guesses as to why they were there but-- *Door Opens* Whos there? Youre Slate, right? Sir? Put the guns down!" *Gunfire* *Screams*

Slate: Did you hear that, Comstock? That is the sound you have never heard -- the sound of a soldiers end. Come to your Hall of Heroes. Prove me a liar.



标题:他们的太阳就要落山了(Their Sun is Setting)

原文:The one thing people need to learn is that fear is the antidote to fear. I don’t want to be a part of their world. I don’t want to be a part of their culture, their politics, their people. The sun is setting on their world, and soon enough, all they gon’ see … is the dark.


标题:真正的军人(A true soldier)
讲话者:薇薇安·门罗上等兵(Lance Corporal Vivian Monroe)
地点:爱国者酒家(Patriots Pavillion)

原文:God makes all kinds of soldiers, but he only made one Cornelius Slate. My father followed him up San Juan Hill, through the legations in Peking, and -- as he put it -- “through hell, the order was given.” At today’s muster, Slate asked me if I was Sergeant Monroe’s daughter. I said, “Yes, sir, I am.” Slate said, “Your father always wanted a son. I hope the fool has wisdom enough to recognize his good fortune.


CZ75注:圣胡安山战役(Battle of San Juan Hill),是美西战争中的决定性战役,1898年7月1日,美军在古巴圣地亚哥东北的圣胡安山击败西班牙军,从而奠定了战争的胜利。

标题:最后一战(A Final Stand)
地点:英烈殿广场(Hall of Heroes Plaza)

原文:Veterans! You shed your hearts blood for Columbia, lost limb and viscera in the godless Orient! Comstock did nothing! And yet-- look up! Whose image squats above you, even now? At every angle an insult! If the Prophet would make a painted whore of our past, what fresh rape does our future hold? Let us now make our stand, and fill yonder hall with true Heroes!


标题:出于必要而合作(Comrades of Necessity)

原文:The Fitzroy woman and her Vox are my comrades...but only of necessity. I doubt all the men who reddened Caesars toga would still be seen breaking bread together in peacetime. With Comstock gone, my mens past deeds will be sacred -- and they will claim the spoils due them. I need not live to see it.





原文:To those who loved me, I was the most generous of souls. There was no pain I would deny them. No betrayal I would not gladly give. And when I had scorched the hearts of all who loved me, the Prophet said, "There is nothing you can do for which I will not forgive you, for God has granted me sight, and through His eyes, even you are loved."


标题:军人之死(A Soldiers Death)
地点:庭院(The Courtyard)

原文:My men and I are doomed, doomed as noble Custer was at Little Big Horn. But we shell not yield to Comstock and his tin soldiers. But my scout has seen him...Booker DeWitt is coming here, to the Hall! DeWitt...we called him the White Injun of Wounded Knee, for all the grisly trophies he claimed. A man such as he...might just grant us the peace we seek.


CZ75注:1876年,美军第七骑兵团的乔治·卡斯特(George Custer)在进犯印第安人时,因轻敌冒进,在小大角河落入了占绝对优势的印第安人的包围,于6月25日战死。有意思的是,1890年,布克·德维特也正是随第七骑兵团进行了伤膝河大屠杀。

标题:你给我出来(Calling You Out)

原文:Ol Preston is a sportin man, Miss Fitzroy. I wont steal up on ya while you slumber like these Vox boys here, with their pigstickers... *Pleading* *Gunshot* Thats one scalp to me. *Screaming* *Gunshot* Thats two. Now, when you hear this, I want you to square your affairs, and come die in the sight of the poets. Youll need a white mans weapon-- give this a try.


标题:上帝的计划(Gods Blueprint)
讲话者:海蒂·格斯特(Hattie Gerst)
地点:乞丐的码头(Beggars Wharf)

原文:Samuel always thought that the pew on Sunday went hand in hand with the desk on Monday. “Science is the slow revelation of God’s blueprint.” After two years in the Lamb’s tower on Monument Island, he took ill with cancer of the stomach. I prayed to the Prophet, and the Prophet delivered unto us a miracle through his servant, Fink. I do not know if I will ever get used to a husband bound in a skeleton of metal, but … better a Handyman than a dead one.


标题:我服役期间的耻辱(Shame of My Service)
地点:富兰克林堡(Fort Franklin)

原文:They called Slate a monster and a traitor.I know the men who died in the Hall of Heroes with Captain Slate.There is no shame to be counted in their number.The shame lies to we who assembled outside the hall.Though we were not the ones who fell,I feel only envy for those who perished under his banner.
