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标题:要爱罪人(Love the Sinner)
讲话者:康姆斯托克夫人(Lady Comstock)
地点:欢迎中心(Welcome Center)

原文:Love the Prophet,because he loves the sinner.Love the sinner,because he is you .Without the sinner,what need is there for a redeemer?Without sin,what grace has forgiveness?


CZ75注:按照基督教教义,人生来皆有“原罪”(sin),耶稣为上帝之子,舍身以赎人类之罪,是为大爱。但英语中提到作为救世主的耶稣时,是用加有定冠词的the Redeemer,但这里用的却是加不定冠词的a redeemer,所以不太好确定这里是否指的是耶稣基督。

讲话者:扎卡里·黑尔·康姆斯托克(Zachary Hale Comstock)
地点:新伊甸园广场(New Eden Square)

原文:And then,the archangel showed a vision:a city,lighter than air.I asked her,"Why do you show this to me,archangel?Im not a strong man.Im not a righteous man.I am not a holy man."And she told me the most remarkable thing:"Youre right,Prophet.But if grace is within the grasp of one such as you,how can anyone else not see it in themselves?"


标题:同时是两个人(Everyman, All at Once)
地点:**路口(Parade Crossing)

原文:One man goes into the waters of baptism.A different comes out,born again.But who is that man who lies submerged?Perhaps that swimmer is both sinner and saint,until he is revealed unto the eyes of man.



标题:因为我也很寂寞(For I am Lonely, Too)
讲话者:康丝坦丝·菲尔德(Constance Field)
地点:卷轴小道(Path of the Scroll)

原文:Madame Lutece--I have read all of your books on the sciences.Mama says,"its not a fit occupation for a lady."but I think shes jealous of our cleverness.Is it true that only you are allowed to visit the girl the tower?If the Lamb is lonely too,I should like to meet her,as we would have much in common.
--Warmest regards,Constance


CZ75注:“羊羔”(the Lamb)就是指伊莉莎白。

标题:解决你的问题的方法(Solution to Your Problems)
讲话者:杰里迈亚·芬克(Jememiah Fink)

原文:I told you,Comstock--you sellthem paradise,and the customers expect cherubs for every chore!No menials in Gods kingdom!Well,Ive a man in Georgia wholl lease us as many Negro convicts as you can board!Why,you can say theyre simple souls,in penance for rising above their station.Whatver eases your consciense,I suppose.



标题:半个犹太人(Half a Jew)
讲话者:艾德·盖因斯(Ed Gaines)
地点:蓝丝带旅馆(The Blue Ribbon Restaurant)

原文:Father Comstock called on me today to write his biography.Me!The man pays for exactly 100 pages,in advance.Now,Im half a Jew when I smell silver.so I say,I say:"Father,your flock would pay for a thousand,you know.Why settle for less?"And then,the Prophet looks to me and says,"One hundred will suffice,as I know how it ends."


CZ75注:Father Comstock这个词组中,Father这个头衔不太好译,Father用于神职人员时,一般译为“神父”,但只有天主教和东正教才有“神父”,而康姆斯托克很明显既不尊奉梵蒂冈教皇,也不尊奉大牧首,所以不能翻译成“神父”,因此只能翻译为“长老”了。


标题:奥蒂斯敏捷的手指(Otis Nimble Fingers)
讲话者:拜伦·科茨沃尔德(Byron Cotswold)
地点:兰斯道恩住宅(Lansdowne Residence)

原文:Otis works up at the lodge part-time.He took this box from one of their secret ceremonies,and I know for sure there is something dear inside.Problem is,Otis is more fool than not.He didnt bother to also secure a key from the feathered brothers to open the damn thing.


标题:新的追猎(A New Hunt)
讲话者:普雷斯顿·E·道恩斯(Preston E.Downs)

原文:Comstock came by the wagon at dawn.Man was just...he just transfixed by my trophy scalps.Asked about the white ones,there.I sad ,"Well,sir--if your quarry dwells in the jungle and beds down with the local color,why split hairs?"[Laughs]Not a chuckle out of him.Either he aint seen a man go native,or maybe...maybe too many.Anyhow,now hes got me huntindown this "Daisy Fitzroy".Hope he dont expect me to stuff and mount her.


标题:解放者的赠礼(The Gift of the Emancipator)
地点:渡鸦兄弟会(The Fraternal Order of the Raven)

原文:And when the Angel Columbia gave unto the Founders the tools to build the new Eden,they did so without hesistation.For 85 years,they prepared the way of the Lord.But when the Great Apostate came,he brought war with him,and the fields of Eden were soaked with the blood of brothers.The only emancipation he had to offer was death.


CZ75注:在法国把自由女神像送给美国之前,“哥伦比亚天使”(Angel Columbia)是美国的女性化象征。
这里说的“新伊甸园”就是指美国,“美国例外论”(American Exceptionism)认为美国是上帝赐给人类的新伊甸园。
“大叛教者”(Great Apostate)是指亚伯拉罕·林肯。
林肯是在1865年4月14日被约翰·威尔克斯·布斯(John Wilkes Booth)刺杀的,康姆斯托克讲话的这天正好是林肯遇刺40周年,而布斯正好又是渡鸦兄弟会崇拜的偶像。

标题:解放者的谎言(The Lie of the Emancipator)

原文:What exactly was the Great Emancipator emancipating the Negro from?From his daily bread.From the nobility of honest work.From wealthy patrons who sponsored them from cradle to grave.From clothing and shelter.And what have they done with their freedom?Why,go to Finkton,and you shall find out.No animal is born free,except the white man.And it is our burden to care fore the rest of creation.
