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  Halftime Team Talk


  As you would have expected, I link this to the halftime score and also individual performances. But I also link it back to pre match analysis as well to determine the tone that I use. I put players into 3 categories based on there rating (Bad < 6.8), (Average 6.8), (Good > 6.8), (Great > 7.2). I will start with the general team talk the talk about individual after



  Clear Favourites + Winning by over 2 goals or more: Happy with Football being Played (Assertive)

  明显优势外加2球以上领先 - 坚定的说,是一场好球

  Clear Favourites + Winning by a goal: Things are going well but could be better (Assertive) or Complacency (Calm)

  明显优势外加1球领先 - 坚定说:你们可以踢的更好 OR 平静的说,不要太得意

  Clear Favourites + Drawing:

  Clear Favourites + Loosing: Expect Better (Aggressive) or Show me something Else (Aggressive)

  明显优势外加平局或者落后 :积极的说:期待更好,或者给我表现出不一样来

  Favourite + Winning by over 2 goals or more: Say Nothing or Happy with Football being Played (Calm)


  优势外加2球以上领先 - 平静的说,是一场好球或者什么都不说

  Favourite + Winning by a goal: Say Nothing

  优势外加1球领先 - 什么都不说

  Favourite + Drawing: Expect Better (Assertive)


  Favourite + Loosing: Expect Better (Assertive, Calm) or Show me something Else (Assertive, Calm)

  优势外加落后 :坚定/平静的说:期待更好,或者给我表现出不一样来

  Narrow Win + Winning by over 2 goals or more: Happy with Football being Played (Assertive)


  险胜外加2球以上领先 - 坚定的说,是一场好球

  Narrow Win + Winning by a goal: Could be better (Calm/Cautious)

  险胜加1球领先 - 平静/警告 - 可以更好

  Narrow Win + Drawing: Could be better (Assertive)

  险胜 外加平局 -坚定: 可以更好

  Narrow Win + Loosing: Expect Better (Calm)


  Expected to loose Heavily + Winning by 2 goals or more : Happy with Football being Played (Passionate)


  明显弱式方外加2球以上领先 - 激情的说,是一场好球

  Expected to loose Heavily + Winning by a goal : Happy with Football being Played (Calm)

  明显弱式方加1球领先 -平静的说,是一场好球

  Expected to loose Heavily + Drawing: Happy with Football being Played (Calm)

  明显弱式方外加平局 - 平静的说,是一场好球

  Expected to loose Heavily + Loosing: Show me Something Else if loosing heavily (Assertive) + No Pressure if narrowly loosing (Calm)

  明显弱式方外加落后 - 坚定的说给我表现出不一样来(如果输的有点多) 或者 不要有压力(如果小输)

  Individual Halftime


  (Bad < 6.8) : Not Happy With performance (Assertive if Loosing) (Calm if winning)


  (Average 6.8): No Individual Talk


  (Good > 6.8) Have faith/there is more to come (Calm)


  (Great > 7.2): Happy with performance (Assertive)
