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  Zom Zom's: seven hexes north of the Cryo Facility 出生点北方七格,可以在这里买(支付鞋子,望远镜,打火机和可乐瓶什么的)烤肉,或者参加角斗免费吃烤肉

  Detroit megacity: Located at the southeast edge of Michigan 底特律大都市,位于大地图的最南端,我们这个游戏的大地图说是设在密西根

  Hidden Lake: located far to the north-east of Cryo Facility 隐秘的湖,在出生点东北远端,是一个被森林包围的地点

  ATN Enclave (first three letters standing for Anishinabe Tribal Nation): located about 30 hexes (kilometers) north and 12 hexes east from the Gyges Cryo Facility,A部落国,在出生点北方三十个东方十二格,在进入地点前会遭遇到寻论的部落战士,需要点选交谈

  strange forest:The Strange Forest is a small, wooded area, about 11 hexes west of the Cryo Facility. 怪林在出生点西边十一格,外形就是一个普通的森林

  Isotope Mine:The Isotope Mine is a encounter location that can be found on a hill twelve hexes south of Cryo Facility. 同位素矿,在出生点南方十二格的一处山地上




  Hidden Lake 在东29格北18格处,死无数次跪了,没看见那个body,更别提兜帽了