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《龙腾世纪:审判》三大职业图文详细解析 法师盗贼战士翻译资料一览

  有关战术的讨论(Tactical Considerations)


  Mages remain a formidable threat in DragonAge: Inquisition, capable of casting a variety of elemental spells. But without the support of a balanced party, mages won’t last long in battle. So make sure your mage is accompanied by atleast one warrior—warriors are needed to taunt enemies, preventing your mage from getting overwhelmed by hostile forces.

  法师手持注入元素之能的法杖,他们在战场上的角色定位非常特殊,突出的特点是远程攻击。和盗贼弓箭手一样,尽量只在他们在远处放些冷箭,同时注意保持和敌人之间的距离。在三种初始职业中,法师的生命值最少,护甲也最低,因此对物理攻击的抗性也算是最差的。所以呢,我们就得想方设法提升法师自身的防御数值,再在具有紧急躲避功能的技能上下本钱,比如说灵虚幻步(Fade Step)这一技能。法术屏障(Barrier)也是个不错的选择,它能在法师周身附上一层临时的结界,保护法师(以及队友都)免受伤害。不过,在点选技能之前,不如先考虑下,究竟你要打造一个怎样的法师呢。是一个富有侵略性的战斗法师?还是一个更加偏辅助型,保护、治疗以及复活样样皆能的战场急救官呢?下面让我们就来研究一下所有这些可选的技能究竟如何,提早为法师来个角色定位。做个样样精通的法师的想法固然很美妙,但这样一来多半就要跟许多威力强大的法术失之交臂,最终效果却也不见得令人满意。

  Armed with elementally charged staves, mages fill a very specialized role on the battlefield, with an emphasis on ranged combat. As with a rogue archer, keep your mage out of harm’s way, picking apart enemies from a safe distance. Of all the classes, mages are the most vulnerable to physical attacks, suffering from low health and minimal armor protection. As a result, take steps to bolster your defensive stats and consider investing in evasive abilities like Fade Step. Barrier is another wise choice, extending aprotective barrier around your mage (and allies) for a short time. But before spending your ability points, take into consideration what kind of mage you want to create. A mage with awesome offensive abilities? Or one that fills a more supportive role, protecting, healing, and reviving allies? Study the available abilities and formulate a gameplan early on. Creating a jack-of-all-trades mage can be effective but may prevent you from accessing the more powerfulabilities in each discipline’s tree.

  灵火 Veilfire


  During your journeys you’re likely to encounter some unique braziers that can only be lit by a mage. Use a mage to interact with these braziers to create veilfire. Once lit, these blue flames can be toted around on torches (by any class) to reveal ancient runic writing. If there’s a veilfire brazier nearby, chances are there’s some hidden writing on one of the nearby walls. This is one way to acquire rune schematics. Use these to create new runes, enhancing your party’s equipment.

  重建 Energize


  Mages can also use their magic to energize debris, creating makeshift bridges and ramps necessary to access areas that are otherwise off-limits. An energize icon will appear wherever these repairs can be made. Perform an interaction at these points to energize nearby objects, rearranging them to open a new path.

  制作者提示 Developer Tip

  告诉你一个狂拽酷炫屌炸天的技能组合:把Mark of the Rift 和Static Cage 结合一下,保管震撼。

  — Jason Baxter, 某测试人员

  A cool and highly effective combat combo is using Mark ofthe Rift in combination with Static Cage.

  — Jason Baxter, QA Tester

  魔法结界 Magical Barriers


  Some passages are walled off by magical barriers poweredby elemental magic. Only mages can destroy these barriers, giving the party access to restricted areas, often containing loot. There are three types of magical barriers: fire (red), ice (blue), and spirit (purple). While any mage staff can defeat a magical barrier, use a staff of an opposite elemental magic to drop a barrier faster. For instance, use a fire staff to quickly eliminate anice barrier, an ice staff to dispel a fire barrier, and an electrical staff to drop a spirit barrier. No other weapons will work against these barriers.