防御术 Defense
With each skill rank you unlock, you will be granted X Defense points
身强体壮 - Vitality - (新手)
The health of creatures in the hero`s army is increased by X.英雄所带兵种的生命值上限增加X点。
保家卫国 - Town Protector - (新手)
Governor: The local guard`s core creature capacities are increased by X and for elite creatures by Y."城镇管理者:该英雄管理的城镇的本地戍卫兵力上限提升,其中核心级增加X位,精英级增加Y位。
不动如山 - Defensive Stance - (新手)
If friendly creatures did not attack or use an active ability during their turn, their defense value is increased by X until the beginning of their next turn.如果本方某支部队在某一回合没有攻击或者使用主动能力,则该支部队防御增加X点直到其下一回合开始。
火力规避 - Evasion - (专家)
The defense of creatures in the hero`s army is increased by X against all ranged attacks.英雄所带兵种在面对远程伤害时防御增加X点。
先发制人 - Preemptive Strike - (专家)
The retaliation of defending creatures is performed before the attacker`s strike.防御状态下的兵种在敌方攻击前反击。
侧翼防护 - Alertness - (大师)
Enemy creature`s flanking and full flanking bonus pecentages are subtracted by 25 points.敌方的侧翼攻击的伤害加成比例减少25%。
严防密守 - Perfect Defense - (宗师)
The hero`s creatures` defense value is raised to match its targets` attack value automatically when attacking.英雄所带兵种在防御时如果防御低于攻击方的攻击,则防御值自动提升至和对方攻击同水平。
With each skill rank you unlock, you chance for successful negotiations with neutral armies will be improved by X%.