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  英文介绍:Nightshade Outfit: “Hand-stitched leather bleached in the sun makes up the bulk of the Nightshade outfit, with a wolf-fur stole draped over the shoulders for extra warmth. Orange accents – such as the gloves, scarf, and sash around the waist – are a color shift from similar wilderness ensembles, making it the best choice for blending into an autumn environment. Leather and fur wrapped boots ensure pelt scraps are put to good use, layered over the top of gray trousers. Rounding out the look, Lara’s iconic red climbing axes are swapped for ancient Byzantine blades in this ensemble.” - Art Director, Brenoch Adams

  “荒野幸存者(Wilderness Survivor)”包售价15元,内含可让劳拉有一定的机率从一般动物身上掠夺到稀有动物资源的“夜影”装束、“死亡之歌”血腥手斧,以及内含 5 张卡片的卡片包,其中保证有 2 张是稀有卡片,另外 3 张也有较高的机率为稀有卡片。