XP gain from enemies boosted around 5-10%, less at lower levels, more so at higher levels.
Some minor difficulty adjustment to try to make ambient damage rate a bit more consistent. In Veteran, enemies had lower damage but higher Offensive Ability, resulting in more frequent but less damaging hits. In Elite Offensive Ability was inadvertently reduced below Veteran levels but damage was higher, resulting in less frequent but more damage attacks, which could make rate of damage more jumpy. I've tried to smooth this out a bit, so the way enemies scale from Veteran to Elite is more consistent and damage rate should be a little more normalized on Elite. Some of these changes will trickle through to Ultimate but it shouldn't have a big effect there, since certain values were already scaled well above Veteran and I just left them alone.
Slightly increased drop rate of Unique items on Elite and Ultimate difficulties from non-Nemesis sources.
Reduced some excessively high Aether resists on various enemies (ex. Aether Crystals, Flesh Hulks, Aetherial Phantoms). While these enemies are still highly resistant to the Aether, they should become more approachable for builds heavily reliant on Aether damage
Slightly increased % damage bonuses from Cunning and Spirit. Monster base damage adjusted accordingly.