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  Aoi route(苍井线)

  Japanese food, famous around the world for being healthy.[我喜欢日式料理,因为它很健康而闻名遐迩]

  To use your strength to help the week.[我认为武术是为了去帮助弱小]

  Doing otagei was really fun.[刚才的打艺相当的有趣呢]

  The battle scenes are so flashy and awesome.[我认为其中最有趣的是它的战斗场面很华丽且很震撼]

  A helpful girl like Aoi.[我喜欢苍井这样助人为乐的女孩]

  Yeah, cool stuff does probably suit you better.[嗯~或许酷酷的东西更适合你吧]

  Before labeling him as a yakuza. I’d wanna know what kind of person he is.[在给他钉上“黑道”的标签之前,我要好好琢磨一下他到底是什么样的人]

  I don’t think that’s right.[我不认为它们是正确的] —— OSAKA[大阪]