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Week of Conjunction: Triple growth for all creatures. Triple income of all resources from mines and towns.

连接之周:所有生物产量乘3, 所有城镇与矿产量乘3。

Week of Conjuration: Skill level of all Summoning Magic spells increased to maximum during battles.


Week of Cuckoo: No special effect. (无特效)

Week of Deer: No special effect. (无特效)

Week of Demon: Double growth for Demons and Horned Demons.


Week of Devil: Double growth for Devils and Archdevils.

恶魔周: 恶魔与大恶魔产量加倍。

Week of Diplomacy: All neutral creatures that usually join for money will join for free.


Week of Disease: Two thirds of creatures in all dwellings die (minimum
remaining is one). Only one third of growth for all creatures.


Week of Djinn: Double growth for Djinns and Djinn Sultans.


Week of Dragon: Double growth for Deep Dragons and Black Dragons.


Week of Dragonfly: No special effect. (无特效)

Week of Druid: Double growth for Druids and Druid Elders.


Week of Eagle: No special effect. (无特效)

Week of Earth: Earth spell damage increased by 50% during battles. Amount of summoned Earth Elementals increases by 50%.

大地周:战斗中,所有土地魔法伤害增加50%。 所有土地元素召唤魔法招出的元素数量增加50%。

Week of Ether: Spell cost doubled.


Week of Evocation: Skill level of all Destructive Magic spells increased to maximum during battles.


Week of Falcon: No special effect. (无特效)

Week of Feebleness: Defense of all creatures from Haven, Sylvan and Academy factions reduced by 20% during battles.


Week of Festivals: No resource income from towns and mines.