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Terror Drones are a terror to have running around the battlefield against you. With some basic micro techniques and a couple of the right units described here, youll be able to effectively counter Terror Drones. If with your scouting, you find out that your opponent has made a couple of Terror Drones, you will have a couple of opportunities to get rid of them. You can either try to intercept them before they reach your Ore Collectors, stop them right before they enter your Ore Collectors, or repair your Ore Collector to remove the Terror Drone.

Anti Infantry Interception
Each army has sufficient early game anti-infantry to deal with a Terror Drone threat. You will most likely see Terror Drones early game, before you even have a chance to tech to tier two. Dont worry about needing anything expensive or high tech to kill a Terror Drone. They are highly vulnerable to anti-infantry weapons, so a couple shots from the most basic units will kill one. Below are the best counters to Terror Drones at tier one.

  • Peacekeeper - Two will one shot a TD
  • 和平守卫者——两个可以一枪干掉一个恐怖机器人
  • Riptide ACV - Really only viable if going for Riptide harassment
  • 激流气垫车——只适用于激流骚扰流的玩家
  • Dolphin - Will one shot a TD
  • 海豚——一枪一个恐怖机器人
  • Conscript - A cheap counter, but shouldnt be necessary with Sickles available
  • 动员兵——廉价的抵抗兵种,不过在镰刀可用的时候,基本就可以退散了。
  • Sickles - Should be main counter to TDs for Soviets
  • 镰刀——苏军对抗恐怖机器人的主力部队。
  • Ore Collector - Secondary ability will kill an approaching TD if switched early enough
  • 矿车——如果切换及时,矿车的第二能力可以干掉靠近的恐怖机器人
  • Imperial Warrior - Not really the most effective counter to TDs
  • 帝国武士——不是非常有效的对抗恐怖机器人单位。
  • Mecha Tengu - Depending on BO used, might be out a little late to stop a TD
  • 天狗机甲——依赖于建造序列,也许出来的时候为时已晚。

Secondary Abilities
Ore Collectors have secondary abilities that are very effective against Terror Drones. The Soviets ability is a must use, because it makes it impossible for a Terror Drone to enter an Ore Collector. Although this ability shuts down harvesting operations, if you lost an Ore Collector, you wouldnt be harvesting anyway.

The Empires Ore Collectors secondary ability is switching to a short ranged weapon that is incredibly strong against Terror Drones. If you switch to the secondary mode before the Terror Drone enters range, the Ore Collector will easily kill any Terror Drone trying to infect it. Beware of the Terror Drones Electrostasis Ray, because a Terror Drone wont need to get in the guns range to disable it.

Continue Harvesting After Terror Drone Threat Dispatched
After the Terror Drones are destroyed, switch out of the secondary mode back to harvesting, but make sure to give a move command to either the Refinery or Ore Node (depending on how full the Ore Collector is). Ore Collectors do not go back to collecting even if just switched to primary mode.

Repairing Ore Collectors
In order to salvage any Ore Collectors that have been infected by Terror Drones, you must send them to your War Factory (Allies), Mecha Bay (Empire), or Crusher Crane (Soviets - late game). As the Allies or Empire, its important to place your War Factory in an easily accessible location, within reach of both Refinery/Ore Nodes.

War Factory and Mecha Bay Placement
Although its good to have a forward War Factory, ideal building placement is between the two primary Ore Nodes, so that an Ore Collector can make it there in time to be repaired.