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“100, 4 Right“ 表示前方100米有个4档弯。

“70, 2 Left And 6 Right“ 表示70米前方有个很急的左弯,并紧接一个高速右弯。

“30, Turn 3 Left, Care Rocks Outside“ 表示30米外有个3档左弯同时弯道外侧有岩石。

“6 Crest“ 表示可以全速通过前方的坡顶,下坡处也没有弯道。


路书一:Start, 30, Keep left over a crest into short 4 right plus opens, 60, crest and 6 right plus and don‘t cut short 6 left minus.


路书二:60, line into 2 right minus over a bump tightens to a hairpin over a ditch.


路书三: Into 6 left long opens over a crest, 30, 6 right into 3 left plus don‘t cut tightens to 1, into a short 1 right plus and short 2 left
