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RUNAWAYS CAVERN (WOUNDED COAST APPROACH): You can only access this location during the main quest"Act of Mercy"

SANCTUARY (DARKTOWN): You can only access this area while on the main quest "Enemies Among Us"

SLAVER CAVERNS: You can only access this area during the main quest "Wayward Son"


SUNDERMOUNT AMBUSH SITE: You can only access this are during Avelines companion quest "The Way It Should Be"


TAL-VASHOTH CAVERN (THE WOUNDED COAST): You can only access this area during the main quest"Blackpowder Promise"

VIMMARK MOUNTAIN PASS: You can only access this locating during the main quest "Sheperding Wolves"

WILMODS CAMP: You can only access this area during the main quest "Enemies Among Us"

THE WOUNDED COAST: The northern Elfroot is found along a path that is not actually listed on the map. Just follow the northern path and look left to see it.

龙腾世纪2 》任地鱼专题站: