Always Remember Your First - Welcome to Versus! Completed one VS match. (+125)
Bagman - Captured the enemy leader. (+??)
Better Man - Won a sudden death showdown. (+75)
Boombardier - Killed multiple opponents with a single Boomshot shot. (+??)
Buttoned Up - Spent the most time in cover. (+50)
Carmine’s Star - Most headshot deaths in a match. (+38)
Charge! - Retro charged 3 victims in a row. (+50)
The Cleaner - Final kill in every round of a match. (+75)
Clusterluck - Killed multiple opponents with one grenade. (+50)
Clutch - Killed 3 or more as last man standing to win the round. (+150)
Contender - Most melee hits in a match. (+25)
Coup de Grace - Final kill with an Execution. (+50)
Dead Ringer - Win a round of KOTH by shutting out the opposing team. (+125)
Death From Below - Killed an opponent with a grenade while downed. (+25)
Death From Beyond - Killed an opponent after you have died. (+50)
The Double - Two quick kills in a row. (+50)
Evasive - Least damage taken in a match. (+50)
Executioner - Most Executions in a match. (+50)
Eye On The Prize - Most points earn in the ring. (+??)
F.I.F.O - First to die in a round. (+25)
Final Word - Final kill of the match. (+75)
First Blood - Earn the first kill of the round. (+50)
First to Fight - First kill in every round of a match. (+75)
Giant Slayer - Killed an opponent that is 50 levels above you. (+??)
Godlike - Kill 25 opponents without dying. (+??)
Grenade Hug - Kill an opponent after being grenade tagged. (+??)
Grenadier - Most grenade kills in a match. (+50)
Guys? Hello? - Most time down but not out in a match. (+25)
Hail Mary - Boomshot kill from over 200 feet. (+??)
Hat Trick - Scored 3 headshots in a row without dying. (+125)
Headhunter - Most headshot kills in a match. (+50)
Invincible - Kill 20 opponents without dying. (+??)
Jammed Gear - Ended an opponents kill streak. (+50)
Kabooom! - Killed multiple opponents with a single Sawed-off shotgun shot. (+??)
Killing Spree - Kill 5 opponents without dying. (+75)
Last Man Out - Last man standing on your team. (+50)
Lead By Example - Kill 5 opponents as the leader in a round. (+??)
Lumberjack - Chainsawed 3 victims in a row. (+50)
Medic - Revived 5 teammates in a round. (+??)
Methodical - Five Executions in a round. (+75)
Military Intelligence - 5 opponents spotted ending in a kill. (+??)
Mortarfied - Killed multiple opponents with a single Mortar shot. (+50)
MVP - Highest point total for the match. (+100)
Negotiation Over - Headshot an opponent with a meat shield. (+??)
Nemesis - Killed same opponent three times. (+75)
Never Had A Chance - Win every round in the match. (+125)
No Smoking - Killed an opponent with a smoke grenade. (+??)
Not So Fast - Killed an opponent that is Executing a teammate. (+25)
Ole! - Grenade tagged a Retro charging opponent. (+??)
Oscar Mike - Killed a roadie running opponent with a headshot. (+75)
Personal Assistant - Assisted 5 kills in a round. (+50)
Pick Up Artist - Most revives in a match. (+75)
Pistoleer - Most pistol kills in a match. (+??)
The Quad - Four quick kills in a row. (+125)
Quick Clips - Most perfect Active Reloads in a match. (+50)
The Quinn - Five quick kills in a row. (+200)
Rampage - Kill 10 opponents without dying. (+100)
Retribution - Kill your nemesis. (+50)
Ring Breaker - Break opposing ring 3 times in a round. (+125)
Ring King - Captured a ring 3 times in a round. (+125)
Roadblock - Stopped a Retro charge with the Sawed-off shotgun. (+??)
Rough Day - Most deaths in a mach. (+38)
Sapper Star - Killed an opponent with their own planted frag grenade. (+??)
Secret Service - Most leader rescues in a match. (+75)
Smooth Operator - Highest K/D ratio in a match. (+75)
Solid - More kills than deaths in a match. (+25)
Spray And Pray - Most blindfire kills in a match. (+??)
Stop Thief! - 5 kills stolen by others in a round. (+??)
The Super - Killed an evading opponent with a headshot. (+75)
Survivor - Revive yourself twice in a round. (+50)
Swift Vengeance - Revenge killed your last killer. (+50)
Team Player - Most assists in a match. (+50)
Top of the Hill - Killed 5 opponents from inside the ring. (+??)
Tough Guy - Fewest deaths in a match. (+75)
Trick Shot - One Torque Bow headshot leading to a double kill. (+??)
The Triple - Three quick kills in a row. (+75)
Under The Radar - At least you’re here. (+50)
Underdog - Killed an opponent that is 25 levels above you. (+??)
Unlucky Bastard - Only player on your team to die in a round. (+??)
Unstoppable - Kill 15 opponents without dying. (+200)
Untouchable - Never captured when playing as the leader. (+??)
Vigilant - Won a match with no deaths and 10+ kills. (+100)
Want Something Done - Capture the enemy leader when playing as the leader. (+??)
Well Protected - Most revived player in a match. (+38)