The Wolds (5 Lorestones)
The Fading of the Fae -- The coming of mortals heralds the end of the Fae.
Reward: Fae Knowledge
+4% 生命值
Cradle of Summer (5 Lorestones)
Rise of the Morning Suns -- The three majestics are reborn in Erathell to shape the land.
Reward: Shaper’s Touch
+每次攻击的10%偷取魔法 +6% 几率偷取
Tala-Rane (5 Lorestones)
The Borrowed Lands -- The Alfar change the lands of Tala-Rane into their possessions.
Reward: Scavenger’s Luck
+3% 掉钱率
Kandrian (5 Lorestones)
The Kings of Kandrian -- The history of the line of Kandrian kings.
Reward: Blood of Kings
+20% 流血抗性
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