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BlizzCast8《 暗黑破坏神3》专访

Bashiok: Back to Julian, the Thousand Pounder...

回到Julian,千斤坠(Thousand Pounder)……


Mike: Julian is not a Thousand Pounder! Kind of rude… [laughs]



Bashiok: [laughs] At WWI we unveiled the Thousand Pounder and it had this really grand entrance where it was assembled out of the pieces of these sacrificed uh… I guess virgins, if you will. It was such a grand entrance for that monster, how did that come about?



Julian: Well yeah, I recognize that it probably looks like it was really planned out and something that we worked on for a very long time. It was one of those things where we originally wanted it to come busting through the wall there, because breakables being what they are they’re kind of the hot thing in the game, but I think there was some recognition that when you have a monster of that shape busting through a wall it’s starts to look like a Kool-Aid commercial...



Mike: Oh yeah!



Julian: [laughs] Which really undoes what we’re trying to say with the thousand pounder. And it kind of stole some of the thunder of the siege breaker who does that later on. I think, very late in the game, not three weeks before we were scheduled to be done with that we got some concept that looked like he was being beamed in Star Trek style. My department did an emergency powwow and we weren’t really happy with that, and so we asked ourselves so what do we really want to see here? And the hardest thing we could think to do was what we ended up doing, and we’re all scared, could we get it done? It was an enormous amount of work and we were going to have to convince other teams to help us. We needed help from modeling, we needed help from animation. But there was just this really cool commitment from everybody that this was the best thing to do, and we were going to put a lot of overtime in. We just crammed on it in two weeks, and that’s what popped out.

(笑)我们想要揭开的是我们如何处理千斤坠这个怪物。这后来借鉴了破城者(Siege Breaker)的一些设定。在游戏公布晚期,就在我们计划完成的三周前我们得到一些像星际迷航一样的概念构想。我的部门制作成了突发性的仪式,但是我们不是很喜欢那样,所以我们问自己我们到底想要看到什么效果?最难的是我们能够想到的是最终的结果,我们都被吓到了,我们能完成么?这是一项巨大的工作,我们不得不说服其他队伍帮助我们。我们需要建模的帮助,我们需要动画的帮助。但是每个人都承诺最好这样做,我们开始加班加点。我们两周内就完成了任务,也就是最终呈现的效果。